
Pregnancy is a wonderful journey that brings about lots of emotions, concerns, and changes. Whether this is your first pregnancy, your second, or more there are times you may think the help of a Doula could be handy. Here are some ways Everyday Doula might be able to help you. If there is something not on this list, please feel free to reach out and we can chat to see what can be done. 
Service Details Notes
Text Messages and Phone Calls Run your questions or worries by a Doula before or while you're waiting to hear back from your Healthcare Provider.   *If you are interested in a Birth Doula this service will be included with that service during the week before and the week after your due date. Adding this on would allow you access to your Doula's support, suggestions, and knowledge outside of those two weeks. 
**As always, emergency situations do not apply - please contact your Healthcare provider whenever you think it's an emergency and refer to your Birth Doula contract for "When to contact your Doula" in these situations. 
Doula Attends a Prenatal Office Appointment
Sometimes a birthing person doesn't want to go to a prenatal visit alone, would like someone to go with to help remember all the things that need to be discussed, or would just like a little extra support. With this service a Doula will attend a Prenatal Office Visit with you. The Doula will also set up a brief phone call with you to discuss what you expect from the visit and in what ways they can help. This call will take place a day or so before the appointment.    Please be ready to discuss how you would like the Doula to support you through the appointment. 
*Adequate time must be given to the Doula to arrange to attend the appointment. Please do not try to schedule this service the day or week of the appointment.   
A Tidy House/Room Before Baby  Oh my goodness... Baby is due in the next few weeks and you haven't had time to organize or clean? It's okay, pregnancy is overwhelming at times and you still have the regular parts of everyday life to attend. Everyday Doula is here to support you in many ways even if that means helping you nest, clean, and get ready for baby!    Could be anything from light cleaning such as helping put things back into their designated places and wiping down surfaces to organizing baby's room/clothes/items, or even a little heavier duties such as helping mop the floor. 

If you have any questions please feel free to use the contact page. 

Everyday Doula Chicago, LLC offers compassionate, involved, and dedicated Birthing Doula Services. Doula's try their very best to make the birthing experience the best it can be for every birthing person. Sometimes during birth moments can become hard to manage, be it pain, schedules, remembering to breathe, or having situations arise that need a little more time to think over. Everyday Doula Chicago would like to help you work through these moments to the best of your ability and to support you when you need it most. 

With this service our Birth Doula will be available for your delivery during the week before and the week after your due date. The exception to this would be if you went into labor earlier. In that case the Doula will do their very best to get to you as quickly as they can. Also included in this service is one or two (depending on your needs) prenatal visits to discuss birth preferences, wishes, ideas, and concerns as well as one postnatal visit (this can be in person, a phone call, or a virtual visit). A second prenatal meeting might be helpful if things change or a more hands on approach to concerns or questions is needed. Your Doula is also available through text or phone call once your contract is signed. However, outside of the two weeks surrounding your due date, texts and phone calls are limited to working hours (9am - 5pm) unless an emergency arises. It is asked that these texts and phone calls outside of the two weeks surrounding your due date are kept to a minimum, used respectfully, and clients understand that your Doula will do their best to respond in a timely manner. There are many things that come to question surrounding birth and all its complexities. Please feel free to reach out, set up a phone call, and discuss your concerns and expectations of your Doula. 

        If you have any questions please feel free to use the contact page. 

Postpartum brings about new adventures, challenges, and experiences. Wheither you're a new parent(s), well experienced parent(s), or somewhere in between, the help of a postpartum Doula might be just what you need. Everyday Doula will support you with compassion and dedication to helping ease this transition.

Service Details Notes
Immediate postpartum care Up to one week (5 days) of postpartum care. This can range from helping the birthing person with personal needs such as moving around post c-section/birth, helping with baby, to light cleaning or helping manage when guests come over.   *If you â€‹have a Birth Doula with Everyday Doula Chicago, there will be one follow up meeting at your home or via phone/video chat. This service is different from that. 
**"Light Cleaning" examples include putting dishes away, sweeping, tidying up the baby's room/things. This is something that can be discussed and agreed upon but please remember we are a Doula service, not a cleaning service.   
Postpartum/Bridge Nanny Care 

Sometimes finding someone to care for your newborn is difficult. There are a lot of decisions and trust that go into finding just the right person. While you're trying to figure this out, why not have your Doula Bridge that gap for you? Kind of like the "Immediate Postpartum Care" service it differs in duration. This service can be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or two.    Please be aware that your Doula will need to know well ahead of the birth of your baby if you plan to utilize this service.
Drop in postpartum care
Same as the "Immediate Postpartum Care" but more flexible on time commitment. Day time Doua care would be similar to the "Immediate Postpartum Care" description. Night time Doula care would be overnight. Some new parents find this service very helpful for getting good sleep and when help is needed while figuring out new nightime routines.  Specifics of both day and night Doula services can be discussed further. 

If you have any questions please feel free to use the contact page.